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abortTransaction() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientSession
Abort a transaction in the context of this session.
abortTransaction(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientSession
Abort a transaction in the context of this session.
aggregate(JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline.
aggregate(JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Runs an aggregation framework pipeline on the database for pipeline stages that do not require an underlying collection, such as $currentOp and $listLocalSessions.
aggregate(JsonArray, AggregateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline.
aggregate(JsonArray, AggregateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Runs an aggregation framework pipeline on the database for pipeline stages that do not require an underlying collection, such as $currentOp and $listLocalSessions.
aggregate(ClientSession, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline.
aggregate(ClientSession, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Runs an aggregation framework pipeline on the database for pipeline stages that do not require an underlying collection, such as $currentOp and $listLocalSessions.
aggregate(ClientSession, JsonArray, AggregateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline.
aggregate(ClientSession, JsonArray, AggregateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Runs an aggregation framework pipeline on the database for pipeline stages that do not require an underlying collection, such as $currentOp and $listLocalSessions.
AggregateOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client
Options for aggregate.
AggregateOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
all() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.MongoResult
Returns a future of the list containing all items of the result
all(Handler<AsyncResult<List<TDocument>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.MongoResult
Handler called with a list containing all items of the result
AutoEncryptionSettings - Class in io.vertx.mongo
The client-side automatic encryption settings.
AutoEncryptionSettings() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.AutoEncryptionSettings
AutoEncryptionSettings(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.AutoEncryptionSettings


bulkWrite(ClientSession, List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
bulkWrite(ClientSession, List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>, Handler<AsyncResult<BulkWriteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
bulkWrite(ClientSession, List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>, BulkWriteOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
bulkWrite(ClientSession, List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>, BulkWriteOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<BulkWriteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
bulkWrite(List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
bulkWrite(List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>, Handler<AsyncResult<BulkWriteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
bulkWrite(List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>, BulkWriteOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
bulkWrite(List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>, BulkWriteOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<BulkWriteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
BulkWriteInsert - Class in io.vertx.mongo.bulk
BulkWriteOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply to a bulk write.
BulkWriteOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
BulkWriteOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
BulkWriteResult - Class in io.vertx.mongo.bulk
BulkWriteUpsert - Class in io.vertx.mongo.bulk


ChangeStreamDocument<TDocument> - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream
ChangeStreamOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client
Options for change streams.
ChangeStreamOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
ClientConfig - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client
Client configuration
ClientConfig() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
ClientConfig(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
ClientEncryption - Interface in io.vertx.mongo.client.vault
The Key vault.
ClientSession - Interface in io.vertx.mongo.client
A client session that supports transactions.
ClientSessionOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo
The options to apply to a ClientSession.
ClientSessionOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.ClientSessionOptions
ClientSessionOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.ClientSessionOptions
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Close the client and release its resources
close() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.vault.ClientEncryption
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Close the client and release its resources
ClusterSettings - Class in io.vertx.mongo.connection
ClusterSettings() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
ClusterSettings(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Collation - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options regarding collation support in MongoDB 3.4+
Collation() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Collation(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
commitTransaction() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientSession
Commit a transaction in the context of this session.
commitTransaction(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientSession
Commit a transaction in the context of this session.
ConnectionPoolSettings - Class in io.vertx.mongo.connection
All settings that relate to the pool of connections to a MongoDB server.
ConnectionPoolSettings() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
ConnectionPoolSettings(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
countDocuments() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
countDocuments(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
countDocuments(JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
countDocuments(JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
countDocuments(JsonObject, CountOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
countDocuments(JsonObject, CountOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
countDocuments(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
countDocuments(ClientSession, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
countDocuments(ClientSession, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
countDocuments(ClientSession, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
countDocuments(ClientSession, JsonObject, CountOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
countDocuments(ClientSession, JsonObject, CountOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
CountOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options for a count operation.
CountOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
CountOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
create(Vertx) - Static method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Create a Mongo client which maintains its own data source and connects to a default server.
create(Vertx, ClientConfig) - Static method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Create a Mongo client which maintains its own data source.
create(MongoDatabase) - Static method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
create(MongoDatabase, String) - Static method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
createCollection(ClientSession, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the given name.
createCollection(ClientSession, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the given name.
createCollection(ClientSession, String, CreateCollectionOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the selected options
createCollection(ClientSession, String, CreateCollectionOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the selected options
createCollection(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the given name.
createCollection(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the given name.
createCollection(String, CreateCollectionOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the selected options
createCollection(String, CreateCollectionOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the selected options
CreateCollectionOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
Options for creating a collection
CreateCollectionOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
CreateCollectionOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
createDataKey(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Create a data key with the given KMS provider.
createDataKey(String, Handler<AsyncResult<byte[]>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Create a data key with the given KMS provider.
createDataKey(String, DataKeyOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Create a data key with the given KMS provider and options.
createDataKey(String, DataKeyOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<byte[]>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Create a data key with the given KMS provider and options.
createIndex(JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates an index.
createIndex(JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates an index.
createIndex(JsonObject, IndexOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates an index.
createIndex(JsonObject, IndexOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates an index.
createIndex(ClientSession, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates an index.
createIndex(ClientSession, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates an index.
createIndex(ClientSession, JsonObject, IndexOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates an index.
createIndex(ClientSession, JsonObject, IndexOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates an index.
createIndexes(ClientSession, List<IndexModel>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
createIndexes(ClientSession, List<IndexModel>, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
createIndexes(ClientSession, List<IndexModel>, CreateIndexOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
createIndexes(ClientSession, List<IndexModel>, CreateIndexOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
createIndexes(List<IndexModel>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
createIndexes(List<IndexModel>, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
createIndexes(List<IndexModel>, CreateIndexOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
createIndexes(List<IndexModel>, CreateIndexOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
CreateIndexOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
CreateIndexOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
CreateIndexOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
createShared(Vertx, ClientConfig) - Static method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Create a Mongo client which shares its data source with any other Mongo clients created with the same default data source
createShared(Vertx, ClientConfig, String) - Static method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Create a Mongo client which shares its data source with any other Mongo clients created with the same data source name
createView(ClientSession, String, String, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, and aggregation pipeline that defines the view.
createView(ClientSession, String, String, JsonArray, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, and aggregation pipeline that defines the view.
createView(ClientSession, String, String, JsonArray, CreateViewOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, aggregation pipeline, and options that defines the view.
createView(ClientSession, String, String, JsonArray, CreateViewOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, aggregation pipeline, and options that defines the view.
createView(String, String, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, and aggregation pipeline that defines the view.
createView(String, String, JsonArray, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, and aggregation pipeline that defines the view.
createView(String, String, JsonArray, CreateViewOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, aggregation pipeline, and options that defines the view.
createView(String, String, JsonArray, CreateViewOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, aggregation pipeline, and options that defines the view.
CreateViewOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
Options for creating a view
CreateViewOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateViewOptions
CreateViewOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateViewOptions


DataKeyOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault
The options for creating a data key.
DataKeyOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
DataKeyOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Decrypt the given value.
decrypt(byte[], Handler<AsyncResult<Object>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Decrypt the given value.
defaultConfig() - Static method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
delete(ClientSession, ObjectId) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
delete(ClientSession, ObjectId, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
delete(ClientSession, Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
delete(ClientSession, Object, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
delete(ObjectId) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
delete(ObjectId, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
delete(Object) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
delete(Object, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
deleteMany(JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteMany(JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<DeleteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteMany(JsonObject, DeleteOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteMany(JsonObject, DeleteOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<DeleteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteMany(ClientSession, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<DeleteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, DeleteOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, DeleteOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<DeleteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
DeleteManyModel<T> - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
DeleteManyModel(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteManyModel
Construct a new instance.
DeleteManyModel(JsonObject, DeleteOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteManyModel
Construct a new instance.
deleteOne(JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteOne(JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<DeleteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteOne(JsonObject, DeleteOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteOne(JsonObject, DeleteOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<DeleteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteOne(ClientSession, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<DeleteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, DeleteOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, DeleteOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<DeleteResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
DeleteOneModel<T> - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
DeleteOneModel(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOneModel
Construct a new instance.
DeleteOneModel(JsonObject, DeleteOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOneModel
Construct a new instance.
DeleteOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply when deleting documents.
DeleteOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOptions
DeleteOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOptions
DeleteResult - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.result
DistinctOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client
Options for distinct.
DistinctOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.DistinctOptions
downloadByFilename(ClientSession, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the latest version of the stored file specified by filename into the Publisher.
downloadByFilename(ClientSession, String, GridFSDownloadControlOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the latest version of the stored file specified by filename into the Publisher.
downloadByFilename(ClientSession, String, GridFSDownloadOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by filename and by the revision in options into the Publisher.
downloadByFilename(ClientSession, String, GridFSDownloadOptions, GridFSDownloadControlOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by filename and by the revision in options into the Publisher.
downloadByFilename(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by filename into the Publisher.
downloadByFilename(String, GridFSDownloadControlOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by filename into the Publisher.
downloadByFilename(String, GridFSDownloadOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by filename and by the revision in options into the Publisher.
downloadByFilename(String, GridFSDownloadOptions, GridFSDownloadControlOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by filename and by the revision in options into the Publisher.
downloadByObjectId(ClientSession, ObjectId) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by id into the Publisher.
downloadByObjectId(ClientSession, ObjectId, GridFSDownloadControlOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by id into the Publisher.
downloadByObjectId(ObjectId) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by id into the Publisher.
downloadByObjectId(ObjectId, GridFSDownloadControlOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by id into the Publisher.
drop() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Drops the data associated with this bucket from the database.
drop() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops this collection from the Database.
drop() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Drops this database.
drop(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Drops the data associated with this bucket from the database.
drop(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops this collection from the Database.
drop(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Drops this database.
drop(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Drops the data associated with this bucket from the database.
drop(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops this collection from the Database.
drop(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Drops this database.
drop(ClientSession, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Drops the data associated with this bucket from the database.
drop(ClientSession, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops this collection from the Database.
drop(ClientSession, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Drops this database.
dropIndex(JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(JsonObject, DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(JsonObject, DropIndexOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(ClientSession, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(ClientSession, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(ClientSession, JsonObject, DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(ClientSession, JsonObject, DropIndexOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(ClientSession, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the given index.
dropIndex(ClientSession, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the given index.
dropIndex(ClientSession, String, DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the given index.
dropIndex(ClientSession, String, DropIndexOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the given index.
dropIndex(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the given index.
dropIndex(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the given index.
dropIndex(String, DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the given index.
dropIndex(String, DropIndexOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drops the given index.
dropIndexes() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes(ClientSession, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes(ClientSession, DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes(ClientSession, DropIndexOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes(DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes(DropIndexOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
DropIndexOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply to the command when dropping indexes.
DropIndexOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DropIndexOptions
DropIndexOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DropIndexOptions


encrypt(Object, EncryptOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Encrypt the given value with the given options.
encrypt(Object, EncryptOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<byte[]>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Encrypt the given value with the given options.
EncryptOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault
The options for explicit encryption.
EncryptOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
estimatedDocumentCount() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata.
estimatedDocumentCount(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata.
estimatedDocumentCount(EstimatedDocumentCountOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata.
estimatedDocumentCount(EstimatedDocumentCountOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata.
EstimatedDocumentCountOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options an estimated count operation.
EstimatedDocumentCountOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions
EstimatedDocumentCountOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions


find() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the files collection.
find() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the collection that match the filter.
find(JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(JsonObject, FindOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(JsonObject, GridFSFindOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the collection that match the filter.
find(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the files collection.
find(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(ClientSession, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the collection that match the filter.
find(ClientSession, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(ClientSession, JsonObject, FindOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(ClientSession, JsonObject, GridFSFindOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the collection that match the filter.
find(ClientSession, FindOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(ClientSession, GridFSFindOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the files collection.
find(FindOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(GridFSFindOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the files collection.
findOneAndDelete(JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
findOneAndDelete(JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
findOneAndDelete(JsonObject, FindOneAndDeleteOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
findOneAndDelete(JsonObject, FindOneAndDeleteOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
findOneAndDelete(ClientSession, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
findOneAndDelete(ClientSession, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
findOneAndDelete(ClientSession, JsonObject, FindOneAndDeleteOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
findOneAndDelete(ClientSession, JsonObject, FindOneAndDeleteOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
FindOneAndDeleteOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply to an operation that atomically finds a document and deletes it.
FindOneAndDeleteOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
FindOneAndDeleteOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
findOneAndReplace(JsonObject, TDocument) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
findOneAndReplace(JsonObject, TDocument, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
findOneAndReplace(JsonObject, TDocument, FindOneAndReplaceOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
findOneAndReplace(JsonObject, TDocument, FindOneAndReplaceOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, JsonObject, TDocument) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, JsonObject, TDocument, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, JsonObject, TDocument, FindOneAndReplaceOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, JsonObject, TDocument, FindOneAndReplaceOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
FindOneAndReplaceOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply to an operation that atomically finds a document and replaces it.
FindOneAndReplaceOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
FindOneAndReplaceOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
findOneAndUpdate(JsonObject, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(JsonObject, JsonArray, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(JsonObject, JsonArray, FindOneAndUpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(JsonObject, JsonArray, FindOneAndUpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(JsonObject, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(JsonObject, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(JsonObject, JsonObject, FindOneAndUpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(JsonObject, JsonObject, FindOneAndUpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray, FindOneAndUpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray, FindOneAndUpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject, FindOneAndUpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject, FindOneAndUpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
FindOneAndUpdateOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply to an operation that atomically finds a document and updates it.
FindOneAndUpdateOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
FindOneAndUpdateOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
FindOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client
Options for find.
FindOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
first() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.MongoResult
Returns a future of the first item of the result
first(Handler<AsyncResult<TDocument>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.MongoResult
Handler called with the first item of the result
fromConnectionString(ConnectionString) - Static method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
fromConnectionString(String) - Static method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
fromSettings(MongoClientSettings) - Static method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
fromSettings(JsonObject) - Static method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
fromSettings(MongoClientSettings) - Static method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig


getAction() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getAlgorithm() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Gets the encryption algorithm, which must be either "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic" or "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random".
getAlternate() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Returns the collation alternate
getApplicationName() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Gets the logical name of the application using this MongoClient.
getArrayFilters() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Returns the array filters option
getArrayFilters() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Returns the array filters option
getAutoEncryptionSettings() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Gets the auto-encryption settings.
getAutoEncryptionSettingsInitializer() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
getBatchSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
getBatchSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
getBatchSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.DistinctOptions
getBatchSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getBatchSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
getBatchSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListCollectionsOptions
getBatchSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
getBatchSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListIndexesOptions
getBatchSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getBits() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the number of precision of the stored geohash value of the location data in 2d indexes.
getBucketName() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
The bucket name.
getBucketSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the specified the number of units within which to group the location values for geoHaystack Indexes
getBufferSizeBytes() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadControlOptions
getCaseFirst() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Returns the collation case first value
getChunkSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The size, in bytes, of each data chunk of this file
getChunkSizeBytes() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Sets the chunk size in bytes.
getChunkSizeBytes() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
The number of bytes per chunk of this file.
getClusterDescription() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Gets the current cluster description.
getClusterSettings() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Gets the cluster settings.
getClusterSettingsInitializer() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
getClusterTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Gets the cluster time at which the change occurred.
getCodecRegistry() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Get the codec registry for the MongoCollection.
getCodecRegistry() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Get the codec registry for the MongoDatabase.
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.DistinctOptions
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateViewOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollection(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Gets a collection.
getCollection(String, Class<TDocument>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Gets a collection, with a specific default document class.
getCollectionName() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getComment() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
getComment() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getCommitQuorum() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
Gets the create index commit quorum for this operation.
getCompressorList() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
getConnectionPoolSettings() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Gets the settings for the connection provider in a settings object.
getConnectionPoolSettingsInitializer() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
getConnectionString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
Gets the timeout for socket connect.
getCredential() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Gets the credential.
getCursorType() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getDatabase(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Gets the database with the given name.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getDatabaseName() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the database name
getDefaultLanguage() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the language for a text index.
getDefaultTransactionOptions() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.ClientSessionOptions
Gets the default transaction options for the session.
getDeletedCount() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents deleted by the write operation.
getDeletedCount() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.result.DeleteResult
Gets the number of documents deleted.
getDestinationNamespace() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the destination namespace, derived from the "to" field in a change stream document.
getDestinationNamespaceDocument() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the destination namespace document, derived from the "to" field in a change stream document.
getDocument() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertOneModel
Gets the document to insert.
getDocumentClass() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Get the class of documents stored in this collection.
getDocumentIdProvider(Class<TDocument>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
getDocumentKey() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns a document containing just the _id of the changed document.
getExpireAfter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the time to live for documents in the collection
getFilename() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The filename
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.DistinctOptions
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListCollectionsOptions
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteManyModel
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOneModel
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Gets the query filter.
getFinalizeFunction() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getFullDocument() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
getFullDocument() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the fullDocument
getGridFSFile() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadResult
getGridFSFile(Handler<AsyncResult<GridFSFile>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadResult
getHeartbeatFrequency() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ServerSettings
Gets the frequency that the cluster monitor attempts to reach each server.
getHexString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.ObjectId
getHint() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
getHint() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getHint() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Gets the hint to apply.
getHint() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOptions
Gets the hint to apply.
getHint() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Gets the hint to apply.
getHint() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Returns the hint for which index to use.
getHint() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Returns the hint for which index to use.
getHint() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Returns the hint for which index to use.
getHint() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Returns the hint for which index to use.
getHintString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getHintString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Gets the hint string to apply.
getHintString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOptions
Gets the hint string to apply.
getHintString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Gets the hint string to apply.
getHintString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets the hint string to apply.
getHintString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets the hint string to apply.
getHintString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Gets the hint string to apply.
getHintString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Gets the hint string to apply.
getHosts() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
getId() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteInsert
Gets the id of the inserted item.
getId() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteUpsert
Gets the id of the upserted item.
getId() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The BsonValue id for this file.
getIndex() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteInsert
Gets the index of the inserted item based on the order it was added to the bulk write operation.
getIndex() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteUpsert
Gets the index of the upserted item based on the order it was added to the bulk write operation.
getIndexOptionDefaults() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the index option defaults for the collection.
getInputDocumentMapper(Class<TDocument>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
getInputMapper() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
getInsertedCount() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents inserted by the write operation.
getInsertedId() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.result.InsertOneResult
If the _id of the inserted document if available, otherwise null
getInsertedIds() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.result.InsertManyResult
An unmodifiable map of the index of the inserted document to the id of the inserted document.
getInserts() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Gets an unmodifiable list of inserted items, or the empty list if there were none.
getKeyAltName() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Gets the alternate name with which to look up the key.
getKeyAltNames() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
Gets the alternate key names.
getKeyId() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Gets the key identifier.
getKeys() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexModel
Gets the index keys.
getKeyVaultNamespace() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.AutoEncryptionSettings
Gets the key vault namespace.
getLanguageOverride() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the name of the field that contains the language string.
getLength() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The length, in bytes of this file
getLimit() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getLimit() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
getLimit() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getLimit() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Gets the limit to apply.
getLocale() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Returns the locale
getLocalThreshold() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the local threshold.
getLsid() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the identifier for the session associated with the transaction
getMaintenanceFrequency() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
Returns the time period between runs of the maintenance job.
getMaintenanceInitialDelay() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
Returns the period of time to wait before running the first maintenance job on the connection pool.
getMasterKey() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
Gets the master key document
getMatchedCount() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents matched by updates or replacements in the write operation.
getMatchedCount() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.result.UpdateResult
Gets the number of documents matched by the query.
getMax() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getMax() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the upper inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
getMaxAwaitTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
getMaxAwaitTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
getMaxAwaitTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getMaxCommitTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions
Gets the maximum amount of time to allow a single commitTransaction command to execute.
getMaxConnectionIdleTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
Returns the maximum idle time of a pooled connection.
getMaxConnectionLifeTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The maximum time a pooled connection can live for.
getMaxDocuments() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the maximum number of documents allowed in a capped collection.
getMaxSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The maximum number of connections allowed.
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.DistinctOptions
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListCollectionsOptions
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListIndexesOptions
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DropIndexOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Gets the maximum execution time for the find one and delete operation.
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets the maximum execution time for the find one and replace operation.
getMaxTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets the maximum execution time for the find one and update operation.
getMaxVariable() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Returns the maxVariable
getMaxWaitTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The maximum time that a thread may wait for a connection to become available.
getMetadata() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
Any additional metadata stored along with the file
getMetadata() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
Returns any user provided data for the 'metadata' field of the files collection document.
getMin() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getMin() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the lower inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
getMinHeartbeatFrequency() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ServerSettings
Gets the minimum heartbeat frequency.
getMinSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The minimum number of connections.
getMode() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the mode.
getModifiedCount() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents modified by the write operation.
getModifiedCount() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.result.UpdateResult
Gets the number of documents modified by the update.
getMongoClientSettingsInitializer() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
getMongoConnectionString() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
getMongoSettings() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
getName() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the name of the index.
getName() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Gets the name of the database.
getNamespace() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the namespace, derived from the "ns" field in a change stream document.
getNamespace() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Gets the namespace of this collection.
getNamespaceDocument() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the namespace cocument, derived from the "ns" field in a change stream document.
getObjectId() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The ObjectId for this file.
getOid() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.ObjectId
getOperationType() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the operationType
getOptions() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteManyModel
Gets the options to apply.
getOptions() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOneModel
Gets the options to apply.
getOptions() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexModel
Gets the index options.
getOptions() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Gets the options to apply.
getOptions() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Gets the options to apply.
getOutputDocumentMapper(Class<TDocument>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
getOutputMapper() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
getPartialFilterExpression() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Get the filter expression for the documents to be included in the index or null if not set
getPostInitializer() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
getProjection() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getProjection() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getReadConcern() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Get the read concern for the GridFSBucket.
getReadConcern() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Get the read concern for the MongoCollection.
getReadConcern() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Get the read concern for the MongoCollection.
getReadConcern() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
The read concern to use.
getReadConcern() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions
Gets the read concern.
getReadPreference() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Get the read preference for the GridFSBucket.
getReadPreference() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Get the read preference for the MongoCollection.
getReadPreference() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Get the read preference for the MongoDatabase.
getReadPreference() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
The read preference to use for queries, map-reduce, aggregation, and count.
getReadPreference() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions
Gets the read preference.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
Gets the timeout for socket reads.
getReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
Gets the receive buffer size.
getRemovedFields() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.UpdateDescription
Returns the removedFields
getReplacement() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
Gets the document which will replace the document matching the query filter.
getReplaceOptions() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
Gets the ReplaceOptions to apply.
getRequiredClusterType() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the required cluster type
getRequiredReplicaSetName() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the required replica set name.
getResumeAfter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
getResumeToken() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the resumeToken
getReturnDocument() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets the ReturnDocument value indicating whether to return the document before it was replaced or after
getReturnDocument() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets the ReturnDocument value indicating whether to return the document before it was updated / inserted or after
getRevision() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadOptions
Gets the revision to download identifier
getSchemaMap() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.AutoEncryptionSettings
getScope() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getSendBufferSize() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
Gets the send buffer size.
getServerSelectionTimeout() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the timeout to apply when selecting a server.
getServerSettings() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Gets the server-specific settings wrapped in a settings object.
getServerSettingsInitializer() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
getSettings() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
getSizeInBytes() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the maximum size in bytes of a capped collection.
getSkip() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getSkip() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
getSkip() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Gets the number of documents to skip.
getSocketSettings() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Gets the connection-specific settings wrapped in a settings object.
getSocketSettingsInitializer() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
getSort() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
getSort() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
getSort() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
getSort() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSphereVersion() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the 2dsphere index version number.
getSrvHost() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the host name from which to lookup SRV record for the seed list
getSslSettings() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Gets the SSL settings.
getSslSettingsInitializer() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
getStartAfter() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
getStartAtOperationTime() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
getStorageEngine() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptionDefaults
Gets the default storage engine options document for indexes.
getStorageEngine() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the storage engine options document for this index.
getStorageEngineOptions() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the storage engine options document for the collection.
getStrength() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Returns the collation strength
getTextVersion() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
The text index version number.
getTransactionOptions() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientSession
Gets the transaction options.
getTxnNumber() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the transaction number
getUpdate() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Gets the document specifying the updates to apply to the matching document.
getUpdate() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Gets the document specifying the updates to apply to the matching document.
getUpdateDescription() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the updateDescription
getUpdatedFields() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream.UpdateDescription
Returns the updatedFields
getUpdatePipeline() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Gets the pipeline specifying the updates to apply to the matching document.
getUpdatePipeline() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Gets the pipeline specifying the updates to apply to the matching document.
getUploadDate() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The date and time this file was added to GridFS
getUpsertedId() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.result.UpdateResult
If the replace resulted in an inserted document, gets the _id of the inserted document, otherwise null.
getUpserts() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Gets an unmodifiable list of upserted items, or the empty list if there were none.
getValidationAction() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ValidationOptions
getValidationLevel() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ValidationOptions
Gets the ValidationLevel that determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an insert or update.
getValidationOptions() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the validation options for documents being inserted or updated in a collection
getValidator() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ValidationOptions
Gets the validation rules if set or null.
getVersion() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the index version number.
getWeights() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the weighting object for use with a text index
getWildcardProjection() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the wildcard projection of a wildcard index
getWriteConcern() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Get the write concern for the GridFSBucket.
getWriteConcern() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Get the write concern for the MongoCollection.
getWriteConcern() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Get the write concern for the MongoDatabase.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
The write concern to use.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions
Gets the write concern.
GridFSBucket - Interface in io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs
Represents a GridFS Bucket
GridFSDownloadControlOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs
A GridFS Options for downloading data from GridFS
GridFSDownloadControlOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadControlOptions
GridFSDownloadControlOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadControlOptions
GridFSDownloadOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model
The GridFS download by name options
GridFSDownloadOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadOptions
GridFSDownloadOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadOptions
GridFSDownloadResult - Interface in io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs
GridFSFile - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model
GridFSFindOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs
Options for the GridFS Files Collection.
GridFSFindOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
GridFSFindOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
GridFSUploadOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model
GridFS upload options Customizable options used when uploading files into GridFS
GridFSUploadOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
GridFSUploadOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions


hasActiveTransaction() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientSession
Returns true if there is an active transaction on this session, and false otherwise


IndexModel - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
IndexModel(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexModel
Construct an instance with the given keys.
IndexModel(JsonObject, IndexOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexModel
Construct an instance with the given keys and options.
IndexOptionDefaults - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The default options for a collection to apply on the creation of indexes.
IndexOptionDefaults() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptionDefaults
IndexOptionDefaults(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptionDefaults
IndexOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply to the creation of an index.
IndexOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
IndexOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
initializeAutoEncryptionSettingsWith(BiConsumer<Context, AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
initializeClusterSettingsWith(BiConsumer<Context, ClusterSettings.Builder>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
initializeConnectionPoolSettingsWith(BiConsumer<Context, ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
initializeMongoClientSettingsWith(BiConsumer<Context, MongoClientSettings.Builder>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
initializeServerSettingsWith(BiConsumer<Context, ServerSettings.Builder>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
initializeSocketSettingsWith(BiConsumer<Context, SocketSettings.Builder>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
initializeSslSettingsWith(BiConsumer<Context, SslSettings.Builder>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
insertMany(ClientSession, List<? extends TDocument>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts a batch of documents.
insertMany(ClientSession, List<? extends TDocument>, Handler<AsyncResult<InsertManyResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts a batch of documents.
insertMany(ClientSession, List<? extends TDocument>, InsertManyOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts a batch of documents.
insertMany(ClientSession, List<? extends TDocument>, InsertManyOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<InsertManyResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts a batch of documents.
insertMany(List<? extends TDocument>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts a batch of documents.
insertMany(List<? extends TDocument>, Handler<AsyncResult<InsertManyResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts a batch of documents.
insertMany(List<? extends TDocument>, InsertManyOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts a batch of documents.
insertMany(List<? extends TDocument>, InsertManyOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<InsertManyResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts a batch of documents.
InsertManyOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply to an operation that inserts multiple documents into a collection.
InsertManyOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertManyOptions
InsertManyOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertManyOptions
InsertManyResult - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.result
insertOne(ClientSession, TDocument) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
insertOne(ClientSession, TDocument, Handler<AsyncResult<InsertOneResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
insertOne(ClientSession, TDocument, InsertOneOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
insertOne(ClientSession, TDocument, InsertOneOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<InsertOneResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
insertOne(TDocument) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
insertOne(TDocument, Handler<AsyncResult<InsertOneResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
insertOne(TDocument, InsertOneOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
insertOne(TDocument, InsertOneOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<InsertOneResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
InsertOneModel<T> - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
InsertOneModel(T) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertOneModel
Construct a new instance.
InsertOneOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply to an operation that inserts a single document into a collection.
InsertOneOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertOneOptions
InsertOneOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertOneOptions
InsertOneResult - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.result
io.vertx.mongo - package io.vertx.mongo
io.vertx.mongo.bulk - package io.vertx.mongo.bulk
io.vertx.mongo.client - package io.vertx.mongo.client
io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs - package io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs
io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model - package io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model
io.vertx.mongo.client.model - package io.vertx.mongo.client.model
io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream - package io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream
io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault - package io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault
io.vertx.mongo.client.result - package io.vertx.mongo.client.result
io.vertx.mongo.client.vault - package io.vertx.mongo.client.vault
io.vertx.mongo.connection - package io.vertx.mongo.connection
isAcknowledged() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
isAcknowledged() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.result.DeleteResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
isAcknowledged() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.result.InsertManyResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
isAcknowledged() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.result.InsertOneResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
isAcknowledged() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.result.UpdateResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
isAllowDiskUse() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
isAllowDiskUse() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
isAuthorizedDatabasesOnly() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
isBackground() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Create the index in the background
isBackwards() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Returns the backwards value
isBypassAutoEncryption() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.AutoEncryptionSettings
Gets whether auto-encryption should be bypassed.
isBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
isBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
isBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
isBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
isBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
isBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertManyOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
isBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertOneOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
isBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
isBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
isCapped() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets whether the collection is capped.
isCaseLevel() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Returns the case level value
isCausallyConsistent() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.ClientSessionOptions
Whether operations using the session should causally consistent with each other.
isDropTarget() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions
Gets if mongod should drop the target of renameCollection prior to renaming the collection.
isEnabled() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SslSettings
Returns whether SSL is enabled.
isHidden() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets whether the index should not be used by the query planner when executing operations.
isInvalidHostNameAllowed() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SslSettings
Returns whether invalid host names should be allowed.
isJsMode() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
isNameOnly() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
isNoCursorTimeout() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
isNoCursorTimeout() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
isNonAtomic() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
isNormalization() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Returns the normalization value
isNumericOrdering() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Returns the numeric ordering, if true will order numbers based on numerical order and not collation order.
isOplogReplay() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
isOrdered() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
If true, then when a write fails, return without performing the remaining writes.
isOrdered() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertManyOptions
Gets whether the documents should be inserted in the order provided, stopping on the first failed insertion.
isPartial() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
isRetryReads() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Returns true if reads should be retried if they fail due to a network error or other retryable error.
isRetryWrites() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Returns true if writes should be retried if they fail due to a network error or other retryable error.
isReturnKey() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
isSharded() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
isShowRecordId() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
isSparse() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
If true, the index only references documents with the specified field
isUnique() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets if the index should be unique.
isUpsert() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUseObjectIds() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
isVerbose() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions


listCollectionNames() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Gets the names of all the collections in this database.
listCollectionNames(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Gets the names of all the collections in this database.
listCollections() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Finds all the collections in this database.
listCollections(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Finds all the collections in this database.
listCollections(ClientSession, ListCollectionsOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Finds all the collections in this database.
listCollections(ListCollectionsOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Finds all the collections in this database.
ListCollectionsOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client
Options for ListCollections.
ListCollectionsOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListCollectionsOptions
listDatabaseNames() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Get a list of the database names
listDatabaseNames(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Get a list of the database names
listDatabases() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
listDatabases(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
listDatabases(ClientSession, ListDatabasesOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
listDatabases(ListDatabasesOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
ListDatabasesOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client
Options for ListDatabases.
ListDatabasesOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
listIndexes() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Get all the indexes in this collection.
listIndexes(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Get all the indexes in this collection.
listIndexes(ClientSession, ListIndexesOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Get all the indexes in this collection.
listIndexes(ListIndexesOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Get all the indexes in this collection.
ListIndexesOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client
Options for ListIndexes.
ListIndexesOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListIndexesOptions


mapReduce(ClientSession, String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
mapReduce(ClientSession, String, String, MapReduceOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
mapReduce(String, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
mapReduce(String, String, MapReduceOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
MapReduceOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client
Options for map reduce.
MapReduceOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
MongoClient - Interface in io.vertx.mongo.client
A client-side representation of a MongoDB cluster.
MongoClientSettings - Class in io.vertx.mongo
MongoClientSettings() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
MongoClientSettings(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
MongoClientSettingsInitializer - Class in io.vertx.mongo
MongoClientSettingsInitializer() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettingsInitializer
MongoCollection<TDocument> - Interface in io.vertx.mongo.client
The MongoCollection interface.
MongoCollectionResult<TDocument> - Interface in io.vertx.mongo
MongoDatabase - Interface in io.vertx.mongo.client
The MongoDatabase interface.
MongoResult<TDocument> - Interface in io.vertx.mongo


notifyMessageSent() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientSession
Notify the client session that a message has been sent.


ObjectId - Class in io.vertx.mongo
ObjectId(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.ObjectId
ObjectId(String) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.ObjectId


rename(ClientSession, ObjectId, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
rename(ClientSession, ObjectId, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
rename(ClientSession, Object, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
rename(ClientSession, Object, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
rename(ObjectId, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
rename(ObjectId, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
rename(Object, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
rename(Object, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
renameCollection(MongoNamespace) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
renameCollection(MongoNamespace, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
renameCollection(MongoNamespace, RenameCollectionOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
renameCollection(MongoNamespace, RenameCollectionOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
renameCollection(ClientSession, MongoNamespace) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
renameCollection(ClientSession, MongoNamespace, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
renameCollection(ClientSession, MongoNamespace, RenameCollectionOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
renameCollection(ClientSession, MongoNamespace, RenameCollectionOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
RenameCollectionOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply when renaming a collection.
RenameCollectionOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions
RenameCollectionOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions
replaceOne(JsonObject, TDocument) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(JsonObject, TDocument, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(JsonObject, TDocument, ReplaceOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(JsonObject, TDocument, ReplaceOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, TDocument) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, TDocument, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, TDocument, ReplaceOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, TDocument, ReplaceOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(ClientSession, TDocument) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(ClientSession, TDocument, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(ClientSession, TDocument, ReplaceOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(ClientSession, TDocument, ReplaceOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(TDocument) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(TDocument, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(TDocument, ReplaceOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(TDocument, ReplaceOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
ReplaceOneModel<T> - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
ReplaceOneModel(JsonObject, T) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
Construct a new instance.
ReplaceOneModel(JsonObject, T, ReplaceOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
Construct a new instance.
ReplaceOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply when replacing documents.
ReplaceOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
ReplaceOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
runCommand(JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Executes command in the context of the current database.
runCommand(JsonObject, ReadPreference) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Executes command in the context of the current database.
runCommand(JsonObject, ReadPreference, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Executes command in the context of the current database.
runCommand(JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Executes command in the context of the current database.
runCommand(ClientSession, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Executes command in the context of the current database.
runCommand(ClientSession, JsonObject, ReadPreference) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Executes command in the context of the current database.
runCommand(ClientSession, JsonObject, ReadPreference, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Executes command in the context of the current database.
runCommand(ClientSession, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Executes command in the context of the current database.


saveToFile(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadResult
saveToFile(String, int) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadResult
saveToFile(String, int, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadResult
saveToFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadResult
ServerSettings - Class in io.vertx.mongo.connection
Settings relating to monitoring of each server.
ServerSettings() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ServerSettings
ServerSettings(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ServerSettings
setAction(MapReduceAction) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Specify the MapReduceAction to be used when writing to a collection.
setAllowDiskUse(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
Enables writing to temporary files.
setAllowDiskUse(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Enables writing to temporary files on the server.
setAlternate(CollationAlternate) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Sets the alternate
setApplicationName(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Sets the logical name of the application using this MongoClient.
setArrayFilters(JsonArray) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the array filters option
setArrayFilters(JsonArray) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Sets the array filters option
setAuthorizedDatabasesOnly(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
Sets the authorizedDatabasesOnly flag that indicates whether the command should return just the databases which the user is authorized to see.
setAutoEncryptionSettings(AutoEncryptionSettings) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Sets the auto-encryption settings
setBackground(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Should the index should be created in the background
setBackwards(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Sets the backwards value
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.DistinctOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListCollectionsOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListIndexesOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
setBits(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the number of precision of the stored geohash value of the location data in 2d indexes.
setBucketSize(Double) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the specified the number of units within which to group the location values for geoHaystack Indexes
setBufferSizeBytes(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadControlOptions
The preferred number of bytes per ByteBuffer returned by the Publisher.
setBypassAutoEncryption(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.AutoEncryptionSettings
Sets whether auto-encryption should be bypassed.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertManyOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertOneOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
setCapped(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
sets whether the collection is capped.
setCaseFirst(CollationCaseFirst) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Sets the collation case first value
setCaseLevel(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Sets the case level value
setCausallyConsistent(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.ClientSessionOptions
Sets whether operations using the session should causally consistent with each other.
setChunkSizeBytes(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
Sets the chunk size in bytes.
setClusterSettings(ClusterSettings) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Applies the ClusterSettings block and then sets the clusterSettings.
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.DistinctOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateViewOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Sets the collation options
setCollectionName(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the collectionName for the output of the MapReduce
setComment(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
Sets the comment to the aggregation.
setComment(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the comment to the query.
setCommitQuorum(CreateIndexCommitQuorum) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
Sets the create index commit quorum for this operation.
setCompressorList(List<MongoCompressor>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Sets the compressors to use for compressing messages to the server.
setConnectionPoolSettings(ConnectionPoolSettings) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Applies the ConnectionPoolSettings block and then sets the connectionPoolSettings.
setConnectionString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
setConnectTimeout(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
Sets the socket connect timeout.
setCredential(MongoCredential) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Sets the credential.
setCursorType(CursorType) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the cursor type.
setDatabaseName(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the name of the database to output into.
setDefaultLanguage(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the language for the text index.
setDefaultTransactionOptions(TransactionOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.ClientSessionOptions
Sets whether operations using the session should causally consistent with each other.
setDropTarget(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions
Sets if mongod should drop the target of renameCollection prior to renaming the collection.
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SslSettings
Define whether SSL should be enabled.
setExpireAfter(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the time to live for documents in the collection
setFilter(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.DistinctOptions
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
setFilter(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
setFilter(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
setFilter(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListCollectionsOptions
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
setFilter(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
Sets the query filter to apply to the returned database names.
setFilter(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
setFinalizeFunction(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the JavaScript function that follows the reduce method and modifies the output.
setFullDocument(FullDocument) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
Sets the fullDocument value.
setHeartbeatFrequency(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ServerSettings
Sets the frequency that the cluster monitor attempts to reach each server.
setHidden(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Should the index not be used by the query planner when executing operations.
setHint(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
setHint(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
setHint(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
setHint(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
setHint(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
setHint(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
setHint(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
setHint(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
setHint(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
setHintString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
setHintString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
setHintString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
setHintString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
setHintString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
setHintString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
setHintString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
setHintString(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
setHosts(List<ServerAddress>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Sets the hosts for the cluster.
setIndexOptionDefaults(IndexOptionDefaults) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Sets the index option defaults for the collection.
setInvalidHostNameAllowed(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SslSettings
Define whether invalid host names should be allowed.
setJsMode(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the flag that specifies whether to convert intermediate data into BSON format between the execution of the map and reduce functions.
setKeyAltName(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Sets the alternate key name
setKeyAltNames(List<String>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
Set the alternate key names.
setKeyId(byte[]) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Sets the key identifier
setKeyVaultNamespace(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.AutoEncryptionSettings
Sets the key vault namespace
setLanguageOverride(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the name of the field that contains the language string.
setLimit(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
setLimit(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
setLimit(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
setLimit(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
setLocale(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Sets the locale
setLocalThreshold(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Sets the local threshold.
setMaintenanceFrequency(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The time period between runs of the maintenance job.
setMaintenanceInitialDelay(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The period of time to wait before running the first maintenance job on the connection pool.
setMasterKey(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
Sets the master key document.
setMax(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the exclusive upper bound for a specific index.
setMax(Double) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the upper inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
setMaxAwaitTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a $changeStream aggregation.
setMaxAwaitTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
Sets the maximum await execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxAwaitTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
setMaxCommitTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for the commitTransaction operation.
setMaxConnectionIdleTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The maximum idle time of a pooled connection.
setMaxConnectionLifeTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The maximum time a pooled connection can live for.
setMaxDocuments(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Sets the maximum number of documents allowed in a capped collection.
setMaxSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The maximum number of connections allowed.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.AggregateOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.DistinctOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListCollectionsOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListIndexesOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DropIndexOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
setMaxVariable(CollationMaxVariable) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Sets the maxVariable
setMaxWaitTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The maximum time that a thread may wait for a connection to become available.
setMetadata(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
Sets metadata to stored alongside the filename in the files collection
setMin(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the minimum inclusive lower bound for a specific index.
setMin(Double) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the lower inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
setMinHeartbeatFrequency(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ServerSettings
Sets the minimum heartbeat frequency.
setMinSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The minimum number of connections.
setMode(ClusterConnectionMode) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Sets the mode for this cluster.
setMongoConnectionString(ConnectionString) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
setMongoSettings(MongoClientSettings) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
setName(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the name of the index.
setNameOnly(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ListDatabasesOptions
Sets the nameOnly flag that indicates whether the command should return just the database names or return the database names and size information.
setNoCursorTimeout(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
setNoCursorTimeout(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
setNonAtomic(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
this option will no longer be supported in MongoDB 4.4 as it will no longer hold a global or database level write lock.
setNormalization(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Sets the normalization value
setNumericOrdering(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Sets the numeric ordering
setOplogReplay(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
oplogReplay has been deprecated in MongoDB 4.4.
setOrdered(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
If true, then when a write fails, return without performing the remaining writes.
setOrdered(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertManyOptions
Sets whether the server should insert the documents in the order provided.
setPartial(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Get partial results from a sharded cluster if one or more shards are unreachable (instead of throwing an error).
setPartialFilterExpression(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the filter expression for the documents to be included in the index
setProjection(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
setProjection(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
setProjection(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
setProjection(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
setReadConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Sets the read concern.
setReadConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions
Sets the read concern.
setReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Sets the read preference.
setReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions
Sets the read preference.
setReadTimeout(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
Sets the socket read timeout.
setReceiveBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
Sets the receive buffer size.
setRequiredClusterType(ClusterType) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Sets the required cluster type for the cluster.
setRequiredReplicaSetName(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Sets the required replica set name for the cluster.
setResumeAfter(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
Sets the logical starting point for the new change stream.
setRetryReads(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Sets whether reads should be retried if they fail due to a network error.
setRetryWrites(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Sets whether writes should be retried if they fail due to a network error.
setReturnDocument(ReturnDocument) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Set whether to return the document before it was replaced or after
setReturnDocument(ReturnDocument) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Set whether to return the document before it was updated / inserted or after
setReturnKey(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the returnKey.
setRevision(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadOptions
Set the revision of the file to retrieve.
setSchemaMap(Map<String, JsonObject>) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.AutoEncryptionSettings
Sets the map from namespace to local schema document
setScope(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the global variables that are accessible in the map, reduce and finalize functions.
setSendBufferSize(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
Sets the send buffer size.
setServerSelectionTimeout(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Sets the timeout to apply when selecting a server.
setServerSettings(ServerSettings) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Applies the ServerSettings block and then sets the serverSettings.
setSettings(MongoClientSettings) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
setSharded(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
this option will no longer be supported in MongoDB 4.4
setShowRecordId(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the showRecordId.
setSizeInBytes(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the maximum size of in bytes of a capped collection.
setSkip(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the number of documents to skip.
setSkip(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
Sets the number of documents to skip.
setSkip(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the number of documents to skip.
setSocketSettings(SocketSettings) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Applies the SocketSettings block and then sets the socketSettings.
setSort(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.FindOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
setSort(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
setSort(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
setSort(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
setSort(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
setSort(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
setSparse(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Should the index only references documents with the specified field
setSphereVersion(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the 2dsphere index version number.
setSrvHost(String) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
Sets the host name to use in order to look up an SRV DNS record to find the MongoDB hosts.
setSslSettings(SslSettings) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Applies the SslSettings block and then sets the sslSettings.
setStartAfter(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
Similar to resumeAfter, this option takes a resume token and starts a new change stream returning the first notification after the token.
setStartAtOperationTime(Long) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ChangeStreamOptions
The change stream will only provide changes that occurred after the specified timestamp.
setStorageEngine(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptionDefaults
Sets the default storage engine options document for indexes.
setStorageEngine(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the storage engine options document for this index.
setStorageEngineOptions(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Sets the storage engine options document defaults for the collection
setStrength(CollationStrength) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
Sets the collation strength
setTextVersion(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Set the text index version number.
setUnique(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Should the index should be unique.
setUpsert(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
setUpsert(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
setUpsert(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
setUpsert(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
setValidationAction(ValidationAction) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ValidationOptions
Sets the ValidationAction that determines whether to error on invalid documents or just warn about the violations but allow invalid documents.
setValidationLevel(ValidationLevel) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ValidationOptions
Sets the validation level that determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an insert or update.
setValidationOptions(ValidationOptions) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Sets the validation options for documents being inserted or updated in a collection
setValidator(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ValidationOptions
Sets the validation rules for all
setVerbose(Boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.MapReduceOptions
Sets whether to include the timing information in the result information.
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the index version number.
setWeights(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the weighting object for use with a text index.
setWildcardProjection(JsonObject) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the wildcard projection of a wildcard index
setWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
Sets the write concern.
setWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions
Sets the write concern.
SocketSettings - Class in io.vertx.mongo.connection
An immutable class representing socket settings used for connections to a MongoDB server.
SocketSettings() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
SocketSettings(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
some(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.MongoResult
Returns a future of the list containing some items of the result
some(int, Handler<AsyncResult<List<TDocument>>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.MongoResult
Handler called with a list containing some items of the result
SslSettings - Class in io.vertx.mongo.connection
Settings for connecting to MongoDB via SSL.
SslSettings() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SslSettings
SslSettings(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SslSettings
startSession() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a client session.
startSession(Handler<AsyncResult<ClientSession>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a client session.
startSession(ClientSessionOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a client session.
startSession(ClientSessionOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<ClientSession>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a client session.
startTransaction() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientSession
Start a transaction in the context of this session with default transaction options.
startTransaction(TransactionOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientSession
Start a transaction in the context of this session with the given transaction options.
stream() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.MongoResult
Returns the result as a read stream of items
stream(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.MongoResult
Returns the result as a read stream of items


toCollection() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.MongoCollectionResult
Returns a future of the collection operation completeness
toCollection(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.MongoCollectionResult
Handler called when the collection operation completes
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.AutoEncryptionSettings
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadControlOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSFindOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.Collation
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CountOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.CreateViewOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DeleteOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.DropIndexOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptionDefaults
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.IndexOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertManyOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.InsertOneOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ReplaceOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ValidationOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.ClientSessionOptions
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ClusterSettings
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.ServerSettings
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SocketSettings
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.connection.SslSettings
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.MongoClientSettings
toJson() - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions
TransactionOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo
TransactionOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions
TransactionOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.TransactionOptions


UpdateDescription - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model.changestream
updateMany(JsonObject, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(JsonObject, JsonArray, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(JsonObject, JsonArray, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(JsonObject, JsonArray, UpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(JsonObject, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(JsonObject, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(JsonObject, JsonObject, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(JsonObject, JsonObject, UpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray, UpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject, UpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
UpdateManyModel<T> - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
UpdateManyModel(JsonObject, JsonArray) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateManyModel(JsonObject, JsonArray, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateManyModel(JsonObject, JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateManyModel(JsonObject, JsonObject, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Construct a new instance.
updateOne(JsonObject, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(JsonObject, JsonArray, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(JsonObject, JsonArray, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(JsonObject, JsonArray, UpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(JsonObject, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(JsonObject, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(JsonObject, JsonObject, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(JsonObject, JsonObject, UpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonArray, UpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, JsonObject, JsonObject, UpdateOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<UpdateResult>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
UpdateOneModel<T> - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
UpdateOneModel(JsonObject, JsonArray) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateOneModel(JsonObject, JsonArray, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateOneModel(JsonObject, JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateOneModel(JsonObject, JsonObject, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
The options to apply when updating documents.
UpdateOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
UpdateOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.UpdateOptions
UpdateResult - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.result
uploadFile(ClientSession, String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFile(ClientSession, String, Handler<AsyncResult<ObjectId>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFile(ClientSession, String, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFile(ClientSession, String, GridFSUploadOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<ObjectId>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFile(String) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<ObjectId>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFile(String, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFile(String, GridFSUploadOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<ObjectId>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadStream(ClientSession, String, ReadStream<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadStream(ClientSession, String, ReadStream<Buffer>, Handler<AsyncResult<ObjectId>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadStream(ClientSession, String, ReadStream<Buffer>, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadStream(ClientSession, String, ReadStream<Buffer>, GridFSUploadOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<ObjectId>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadStream(String, ReadStream<Buffer>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadStream(String, ReadStream<Buffer>, Handler<AsyncResult<ObjectId>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadStream(String, ReadStream<Buffer>, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
uploadStream(String, ReadStream<Buffer>, GridFSUploadOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<ObjectId>>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given Publisher to a GridFS bucket.
useObjectIds(boolean) - Method in class io.vertx.mongo.client.ClientConfig


ValidationOptions - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
Validation options for documents being inserted or updated in a collection
ValidationOptions() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ValidationOptions
ValidationOptions(JsonObject) - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.ValidationOptions


watch() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch() - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(JsonArray, ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(JsonArray, ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(JsonArray, ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(ClientSession) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(ClientSession, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(ClientSession, JsonArray) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(ClientSession, JsonArray, ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession, JsonArray, ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(ClientSession, JsonArray, ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(ClientSession, ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession, ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(ClientSession, ChangeStreamOptions) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
withChunkSizeBytes(int) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Create a new GridFSBucket instance with a new chunk size in bytes.
withCodecRegistry(CodecRegistry) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different codec registry.
withCodecRegistry(CodecRegistry) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new MongoDatabase instance with a different codec registry.
withDocumentClass(Class<NewTDocument>) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different default class to cast any documents returned from the database into..
withReadConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Create a new MongoDatabase instance with a different read concern.
withReadConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different read concern.
withReadConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new MongoDatabase instance with a different read concern.
withReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Create a new GridFSBucket instance with a different read preference.
withReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different read preference.
withReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new MongoDatabase instance with a different read preference.
withWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Create a new GridFSBucket instance with a different write concern.
withWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoCollection
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different write concern.
withWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in interface io.vertx.mongo.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new MongoDatabase instance with a different write concern.
WriteModel<T> - Class in io.vertx.mongo.client.model
WriteModel() - Constructor for class io.vertx.mongo.client.model.WriteModel
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